TED演讲者:Nithya Vaduganathan / 尼提亚·瓦杜加纳坦
演讲标题:5 hiring tips every company (and job seeker) should know / 每个公司(和求职者)都应该知道的5条招聘技巧
内容概要:To keep up with a rapidly evolving job market, hiring practices need to change, too. In this practical talk, talent strategy expert Nithya Vaduganathan shares five crucial tips every hiring manager (and job seeker) should know in order to cultivate an inclusive work culture, inspire productivity and unleash talent hiding in plain sight.
为了跟上快速发展的就业市场,招聘做法也需要改变。在这场实战演讲中,人才战略专家尼提亚·瓦杜加纳坦(Nithya Vaduganathan)分享了每个招聘经理(和求职者)应该知道的五个关键技巧,以培养包容性的工作文化,激发生产力,释放隐藏在眼前的人才。
【1】So there's an interesting thing happening in the labor market.
劳动力市场出现了 一个很有趣的现象。
【2】On one hand, there are a whole lot of job openings.
【3】And on the other, there are a lot of employers really struggling to fill them.
另一方面, 有很多雇主真的很难招到人。
【4】Now we get this in part because we're experiencing an unprecedented rate of change in the nature of work.
我们之所以面临这样的处境, 部分原因是工作性质正在以 前所未有的速度发生变化。
【5】So many jobs today require new skills.
【6】Ten years ago, companies didn't need entire teams of data engineers and social media content producers and sustainability experts.
十年前,公司不需要 一整个团队的数据工程师、 社交媒体内容制作者 和可持续发展专家。
【7】But now they can barely compete without them.
但现在,没有他们, 公司几乎没有竞争力。
【8】But this isn't the whole story.
【9】Part of what's causing this disconnect is the fact that we're using outdated practices to fill 21st-century jobs, and it's just not working.
造成这种脱节的部分原因是, 我们正在使用过时的做法来 填补 21 世纪的工作岗位, 而这种做法根本行不通。
【10】The consequences are real.
【11】My job is to help executives rethink how they attract and retain talent.
我的工作是帮助高管们重新思考 如何吸引和留住人才。
【12】And more so than ever, leaders are telling me they just cannot find the people to do the work.
领导们更是给我强调, 他们只是找不到做这项工作的人。
【13】For some, this means their strategic priorities are put on hold.
对一些人来说,这意味着 他们战略上的首要任务被搁置了。
【14】And for others, their products are delayed to market, and their revenues take a hit.
对其他人来说, 他们的产品延迟上市, 收入暴跌。
【15】But I think there's a fix.
【16】We just have to find a way to unleash the talent that is hiding in plain sight.
我们只需要找到一种方法来 释放隐藏在眼前的才能。
【17】And by doing so, we can help our leaders and managers shift their focus from stressing over unfilled positions to helping their teams deliver value.
这样做的话, 我们可以帮助 我们的领导者和管理者将注意力 从为岗位空缺焦虑不安转向 帮助他们的团队实现价值。
【18】And we can help employees and candidates find the opportunities to advance their careers.
我们可以帮助员工和应聘者 找到提升职业生涯的机会。
【19】So here's how I think we do it.
【21】Leaders and managers, step one's on you.
【22】Before you post your next job opening, or your next hundred, do us all a favor and figure out what work actually needs to get done.
在你发布下一个职位空缺或 之后 100 个职位空缺之前, 请帮我们所有人一个忙, 弄清楚实际需要完成的工作。
【23】I've seen many job openings that look like they should belong in some kind of comedy show because the list of requirements is so ridiculous.
我见过很多职位空缺, 看起来应该属于某种喜剧节目, 因为职位要求太荒谬了。
【24】The ideal candidate must be able to: manage a billion-dollar P and L, code like a 20-year Google veteran, build advanced forecasting models, design beautiful PowerPoint slides,
理想的候选人必须能够: 管理十亿美元级别的损益表, 像 20 年的谷歌老手一样编码, 搭建高级预测模型, 设计漂亮的幻灯片,
【25】directly engage with the board of directors and oh, of course, do all of their duties as assigned.
直接与董事会接触, 当然, 还要完成被安排的所有工作。
【26】So as leaders write down every single thing that their ideal candidate must be able to do, there's really only one kind of candidate that can do all those things.
因此,当领导人写下他们 理想的候选人必须能够 做到的每一件事时, 实际上只有一种候选人 能够做到所有这些事。
【27】A Pegasus.
【28】(Laughter) So if you want to find the right real-life person to do the job, perhaps try a different approach.
(笑声) 如果你想找到一个合适的 现实生活中的人来做这项工作, 也许可以尝试一种不同的方法。
【29】Figure out what work needs to get done and design the profile based on that.
找出需要完成的工作, 并据此设计出一个候选人的大致描述。
【30】OK, now we know the work that needs to get done so we can start screening candidates in instead of screening them out.
好,现在我们知道了需要做的工作, 我们就可以开始把候选人筛进来, 而不是筛出去。
【31】I'll be the first to admit that going through thousands of resumes for a single job opening is intimidating.
首先我承认, 为一个空缺职位翻阅数千份简历 是件令人生畏的事。
【32】So it really doesn't bother me that companies design processes to quickly filter out unqualified candidates.
公司设计了一些流程 来快速筛选不合格的候选人, 我当然喜闻乐见。
【33】But what does bother me is the criteria that they use to screen, which is often archaic, easily identifiable things, like time in role and degree requirements, that are not always predictive of success in the job.
但让我感到困扰的是 他们用来筛选的标准, 这些标准通常是过时的、 容易识别的东西, 比如在岗时长 和学历要求, 这些要求并不 总能预测工作上的成功。
【34】You know, I bet you there's someone listening to me right now who hasn't applied to a job because the requirements section said you needed five years of experience and you only had four.
我敢打赌在场的听众之中 有人放弃过申请某份工作, 因为岗位要求部分 你得有五年的经验, 但你只有四年。
【35】Lucky for us, there's some big-name companies working to address this.
幸运的是,有一些大公司 正在努力解决这个问题。
【36】IBM, for example, has removed degree requirements But I think we can do more.
例如,IBM 为了扩充人才库, 但我认为我们可以做得更多。
【37】BCG recently worked with a wealth management firm to figure out what predicts success for incoming financial advisers.
波士顿咨询公司最近 与一家财富管理公司合作, 研究如何预测未来财务顾问的成功。
【38】And the results were kind of interesting.
【39】High GPA?
【41】Top school?
【42】Not important.
【43】Past client and sales experience?
【44】Not important.
【45】Past call center experience?
【46】Not important.
【47】Past experience working on a team of any kind?
过去在任何类型的团队中 工作的经验?
【49】So of course we have to remember that great candidates don't need to check every single thing on the list.
我们当然要记住, 优秀的候选人不需要符合 岗位描述中的每一条要求。
【50】And that's OK.
【51】In fact, hiring managers at companies like Seagate Technology look at internal candidates first, and they focus on the 70 to 80 percent of skills that matter the most.
事实上, 像希捷科技这样的公司的招聘经理 首先会考虑内部应聘者, 他们关注的是 最重要的 70% 到 80% 的技能。
【52】One word of caution here, which is to check your own biases.
这里需要注意的一点是, 要注意自己的偏见。
【53】If you've only hired people that have fit a narrow mold, you're going to have to look outside your team in order to get this right.
如果你招的都是相似类型的人, 那么你必须看一眼 团队之外的情况,校正一下。
【54】All of this is a little bit like dating to me.
【55】You know, you may think that you need someone who's handy and who can cook and who loves camping and who wears designer clothes and, well, nowadays plays pickleball.
你知道的, 你可能会认为你需要一个 手巧、会做饭、 喜欢露营、穿名牌服装的人, 最近还得加上一条 会玩匹克球。
【56】But in reality, perhaps the ideal partner is actually someone who can make you laugh and gets along with your family.
但实际上, 也许理想的伴侣实际上是 能让你开怀大笑 并与你的家人和谐相处的人。
【57】The dating metaphor is actually perfect for my next piece of advice, which is this: to up the odds of a good match, start with coffee.
约会的比喻实际上 非常适合我的下一条建议, 那就是: 为了提高一场好比赛的可能性, 从咖啡开始。
【58】If you're a manager or a candidate, don't feel like you need to jump into marriage or even commit to dinner.
如果你是一名经理或候选人, 不要觉得你得奔着结婚去, 你甚至连饭都不一定得吃。
【59】Why not start with coffee?
【60】This is the concept behind micro internships, which are small-scale paid projects usually completed by college and graduate students.
这就是微实习背后的概念, 微实习是通常由 本科生和研究生 完成的小型带薪项目。
【61】And for companies, they actually provide a lower-risk path to hiring and allows them to reach students in schools that they otherwise might not have looked to.
对于公司来说, 微实习其实提供了一条 较低风险的招聘途径, 让公司能够接触到 不太有机会关注的在校生。
【62】Talk about finding hidden talent.
【63】And amongst those experimenting with micro internships are companies like Microsoft and PepsiCo.
微软和百事可乐等公司 都在尝试组织微实习。
【64】We've talked a lot about talent hiding in the hiring process.
我们已经讨论了很多 关于招聘过程中隐藏人才的问题。
【65】But surprise, there's so much talent hiding in your organizations.
但令人惊讶的是, 你的组织中也隐藏着如此多的人才。
【66】So my recommendation to everyone, managers and employees, is to look beyond your floor.
因此,我对所有人的建议, 包括经理和员工, 请去别的楼层看一看吧。
【67】I recently worked with a large company going through a reorganization and they, you know, designed logical groupings of job postings and drafted responsibilities for each role.
我最近在一家 正在进行重组的大公司工作, 他们设计了合理的职位分组, 并为每个岗位安排了职责。
【68】But when it came time to staffing, interestingly enough, not one single person suggested an opportunity for a candidate outside their team.
但有趣的是, 当涉及到人员配置时, 没有一个人提议
【69】Now, more often than not, the talent you need actually does exist in your company.
通常情况下, 你的公司里确实有你需要的人才。
【70】You may just need to look to a different floor.
【71】In fact, in the early days of COVID, Unilever moved 9,000 people to new internal rolls.
事实上,在新冠疫情初期, 联合利华将 9000 人 内部转岗。
【72】So if they can do that, I'm pretty sure you can find the person for your one job opening somewhere in your company.
如果他们能做到这一点, 我很肯定你能在公司的某个地方 找到适合这个空缺职位的人。
【73】And if you're listening to this and feeling frustrated by the lack of opportunity in your current role, perhaps it's time for you to start to tell people outside your team you're ready to try something new.
如果你听到这句话, 并且为自己目前担任的角色 缺乏机会感到沮丧, 也许是时候开始告诉团队之外的人, 你已经准备好尝试新的东西了。
【74】Now there’s a flip side to looking beyond your floor, and it’s this.
“看看别的楼层”的 另一面是这样的。
【75】And here's my ask of managers and leaders.
【76】While it’s very natural to want to hold on to your rock star teammates, doing so may actually keep them from their dream job.
虽然想要留住你的最佳队友 是很正常的, 但这样做实际上可能会让他们 远离梦想中的工作。
【77】So please let your people go so they can grow.
所以请让你的人离开, 这样他们才能成长。
【78】Sixty percent of people who left their jobs recently cited the lack of career advancement as one of the main reasons for leaving.
最近 60% 的离职者表示, 缺乏职业发展 是离职的主要原因之一。
【79】So leaders, please don't think you can keep someone in the same role for years without expecting them to leave.
所以,领导们,请不要认为 你可以让一个人在同一个岗位上 工作多年且指望他们不会离开。
【80】That's called talent hoarding, and it's not OK.
这就是所谓的人才囤积, 这是不好的。
【81】(Laughter) And on the other hand, companies that actively support their talent to move internally report more diverse, innovative and effective project teams.
(笑声) 另一方面, 积极支持其人才在内部流动的公司 反映他们有了更多元化、 创新和高效的项目团队。
【82】So while it might be hard to support someone who's ready to move on, trust me when I say you absolutely should.
虽然很难为一个 准备好要跑路的人提供支持, 但是,请你相信我, 你真的该这么做。
【83】I know there's a lot going on in the labor market, and these five tips are not going to address everything.
我知道劳动力市场上 发生了很多事情, 而且这五条建议 并不能解决所有问题。
【84】But we're never going to discover something new if we keep using the same lenses we have for decades.
但如果我们几十年来 一直采取相同的视角, 我们就永远不会发现新的东西。
【85】So perhaps the way to discover hidden talent is as simple as taking a fresh look.
也许发现隐藏人才的方法 就是重新审视这么简单。
【86】Thank you.
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